Industries That Use Dry Ice Blasting

Industries That Use Dry Ice Blasting

Dried out ice blasting, also known as CO2 cleaning, CARBON DIOXIDE blast cleaning or dried out ice blast cleaning, is a method of eliminating heavy contaminants from a wide selection of machinery and equipment. This is a fast, effective and safe means of eliminating some of the most difficult grime with zero byproducts. The sheer wealth of benefits dry ice blasting provides can make it attractive to wildly divergent industries from factories to food service. Learn about dry snow blasting and the various industries that use it, as well as how it could benefit your business.

About Dry Ice Blasting

CO2 blasting cleaning makes use of small particles of dry snow, roughly the size of a grain of rice, which are fed via a hose and blasted via compressed air at a contaminated surface. When the particles strike the surface, they instantly sublimate, or turn into gas, which causes them to increase to 800 times their solid volume.

This has the effect of raising the contaminant away from the surface, flash-freezing it to a solid, and which makes it drop away. The dirt can easily then be swept upward and easily disposed of. The particular process of CO2 dried out ice cleaning is one of the fastest, most secure and many effective commercial and commercial cleaning methods available.

 Automotive Industry

The automotive industry values this form of cleaning over other types of commercial cleaners because it is non-abrasive and highly effective at removing grease, olive oil and other common automobile contaminants without damaging equipment. It can be executed right online requiring no disassembly, and dry glaciers blasting contractors can usually the actual work right on-site without damaging parts or changing daily operations.

Foods Manufacturing, Processing and Services

The foodstuff industry loves commercial cleaning services that use dry ice. This is because carbon dioxide is found naturally in our atmosphere and is completely safe and eco-friendly. It truly is even approved by the FDA for use in food service equipment. These kinds of businesses include such businesses as:

  • Food processing plant life
  • Restaurants
  • Wine and refreshment processing

Plant and Manufacturer Work

A wide variety of manufacturing and creation plants and factories use dry ice blasting for the same reason as the auto industry: the process is completely non-abrasive, safe, fast and effective. It permits the removing of particulates without interfering with work and is also highly cost-efficient. This can include:

  • Power plants
  • Plastics producing
  • Textile plants
  • Steam generator
  • Foundries
  • Printing and presentation plants

Fire, Mold and Historical Artifact Restoration

Dry out ice blasting is an invaluable commercial cleaning service for restoring damage from fire, mold and the restoration of historical artifacts. It truly is up to about three times as soon as other methods of cleaning and is also so non-abrasive that it could even be safe to remove corrosion, grime and corrosion on delicate and valuable historical artifacts.
