Dry Ice Sectors: Marine

Dry Ice Sectors: Marine

Standard sandblasting to remove antifoul paint from boat hulls can break the gel coat because it is abrasive. Likewise, the sand which is employed as the blast mass media gets contaminated with the anti foul paint which is deemed to be toxic – so should be disposed of responsibly.

Dry out ice cleaning offers an alternative to other boost media solutions which is much ‘kinder’ to the sevyloyr fish hunter 360 hull – it is non abrasive so is not going to damage the gel layer. What’s more dry glaciers blasting will effectively uncover any osmosis present departing it properly clean for repair. The dry glaciers used as the boost media has the unique ability to sublimate on impact with a surface – this means there is no added by product waste to dispose of - which means there is less toxic waste to get rid of.

Dry ice blasting is more expensive than traditional blasting techniques – however the superior clean, absence of by product waste and overall effectiveness of the clean makes it a perfect solution for cleaning boat hulls.

Key benefits for dry ice cleaning in the marine industry

  • No added by product to clean up
  • Reduced cost of waste disposal
  • Exposes osmosis ready for repair
  • Superior clean
  • Can be extremely quick
  • No use of harmful chemicals
